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For Immediate Release: New Products are now available at Stickboy Coffee
From Sunny Syracuse - It brings us great pleasure to announce that we will now be selling a Hawaiian Kona Blend and Jamaican Blue Mountain Style.
Stickboy created our Kona Blend featuring real Hawaiian Kona beans which we blend with South African beans to create a cup of coffee that is very similar to 100% Kona for half the price.
After hours of research and development our legendary roast master Stickboy has perfected our Jamaican Blue Mountain Style and it's what you are looking for. The beans come from Jamaica's mountains which creates a unique and flavorful coffee for all of us to enjoy!!
No additives. No artificial flavors. No preservatives. Just all-natural coffee that is handcrafted and freshly roasted!!
Tom (aka Stickboy) Hall
Stickboy Coffee