Costa Rican Half-Caff

  • $18.99
  • Retail price $25.50

Discover the Delight of Costa Rican Half-Caff

Indulge in the exquisite taste of STICKBOY COFFEE's Costa Rican Half-Caff, a perfectly balanced blend that offers a delightful cup of coffee with reduced caffeine content. Carefully crafted using a 50/50 combination of regular Costa Rican beans and Stickboy Decaf beans, this unique blend provides you with the best of both worlds.

Our Costa Rican Half-Caff blend ensures a smooth and flavorful experience, allowing you to savor every sip without the full caffeine intensity. With this thoughtfully crafted blend, you can enjoy the rich and distinctive flavors of Costa Rican coffee while enjoying a milder caffeine impact.

At STICKBOY COFFEE, we take pride in creating exceptional blends that cater to every coffee lover's preference. Our Costa Rican Half-Caff offers a harmonious fusion of taste and caffeine reduction, allowing you to enjoy the indulgence of a cup of coffee while maintaining a balanced caffeine intake.

Experience the best of both worlds with our Costa Rican Half-Caff blend, exclusively available at STICKBOY COFFEE. Treat yourself to the delightful flavors and reduced caffeine content and embark on a coffee journey that caters to your unique taste and preference.

Roast Level: Medium 

Notes: 100% Arabica beans

REGION: Tarrazu Valley - One of the best places in the world to get beans

GROWN AT AN ALTITUDE OF: 1,300 – 1,800 feet

FLAVOR: Exotic flavor with a sweet finish. 

Everyone knows someone that drinks coffee so gift them some FRESH STICKBOY COFFEE!