Stickboy Coffee Newsletter

Stickboy Coffee Newsletter

Stickboy at Empire 

I hope you all had a great holiday season!!

Back in Stock/New Releases
Stickboy Coffee’s famous Brazilian back in stock! Be sure to get some today! 

In October with the Stickboy Coffee Race Team
I ended up taking 6th place in my age group and I am proud of that. We must celebrate our victories. I stood at the finish line waiting for my Stickboy Coffee teammates to finish the race. Heather said she had a lot of fun and Dave went on to take third place in his age group.

Meanwhile, Beast Mode Matt was running the half marathon and he locked in right from the start of the race wanting to set a good pace. Beast Mode Matt stayed focused throughout the race watching his time and he felt good both mentally and physically. He crossed the finish line taking 3rd place for his age group. Congratulations to Beast Mode Matt on taking 3rd place! 

In November with the Stickboy Coffee Race Team
The Weekend of November 2nd and 3rd
Stickboy Coffee Race Team Member Justin Fontuto traveled to Lafayette, New York to take on the Cider Cross Race. This was the final race of the CNY Cyclocross Race Series and it was a very cold day to race. Justin started the day in the Men’s Master’s 35+ race and finished 3rd place! On that very same day, Justin took on the fat bike race finishing second place! 

Stickboy Coffee Race Team Member Uncle Pat traveled to Chicago, Illinois to run the Allstate Hot Chocolate race. Since its inception, over 200,000 participants have run for chocolate, making it one of the fastest growing races in the nation!

 The Weekend of November 9th and 10th
Beast Mode Matt and I decided to run the Syracuse Half Marathon. On the day of the race it was extremely cold so we both stayed in the OnCenter building as long as they could to stay warm. The Syracuse Half had another great showing because it took us both about 5 minutes to get to the starting line because so many people were in front of us.

The wind just crushed me. There is a reason they call me Stickboy. As I turned onto State Street (I think, hahaha) the last leg of the race I saw all the fans lined up in the cold to cheer the runners. It reminded me why I run. I ran as fast as my legs would go with it being so cold. 

I finished at 2 hours and 20 minutes taking 1,830th place overall and 167th place in my division. Beast Mode Matt had an extremely strong finish at 1 hour and 45 minutes taking 399th place overall and finished 46th is in his division! 

Congratulations to Stickboy Coffee Team members Beast Mode Matt, Justin and Uncle Pat on your amazing accomplishments! 

The Stickboy Coffee race team took December off to spend time with family and friends but we will be racing again in a few weeks. 

In December at Stickboy Coffee 
Charitable Giving Program – Stickboy Coffee is Changing the World
For last month’s Giving Tuesday, Stickboy Coffee helped raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the American Diabetes Association and the Michael J. Fox Foundation. 

I want to personally thank all of our customers at Stickboy Coffee for helping us change the world! 


Thomas Hall the Stickboy behind Stickboy Coffee

Keep hot! Keep cold! Enjoy fresh! Drink Stickboy Coffee!


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