Global Running Day

Global Running Day

So I have been told that tomorrow is Global Running Day, a worldwide celebration of running that encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving. I LOVE running. Running is where I built self-confidence. Running also helps build my self-discipline. I love the freedom that running provides. I LOVE the friendships that running has provided. I LOVE running marathons and ultras. Those marathons and ultra-races just tear you away. Layer by layer. You become so raw. You become so real. And yet you will learn so much about yourself. Runners are warriors with an edge who will not give up. They will do anything they can to conquer that run or conquer that finish line. As Dean Karnazes says, “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” I hope everyone of all ages and abilities gets to run tomorrow. And remember, "Never give up!" - Tom Hall the Stickboy behind Stickboy Coffee

Enjoy Fresh Stickboy Coffee! Love Stickboy Coffee Today! 


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