Dear IditaFAT Bike Race and SnoFatShu Participants:
Thank you to everyone that participated in the IditaFAT or SnoFatShu making the Festival of Flakes a success.
Thank you to all of our sponsors! We express our gratitude and encourage support of their business. A list can be found at the bottom this e-mail.
Thank you to all of our awesome volunteers who spent many hours getting this event together. This event would NEVER take place without the commitment of so many others both on and off the trails. Please take the time to express your appreciation to them. Thank you to Uncle Pat and Paul for staying up all night to work on the IditaFAT course. Thank you to Mike and Matt for everything you do.
If you have any pictures that you would like to share please e-mail them to:
Keeping with the IditaFAT tradition, Matt Timmerman and Helene Schmid numbers will be decorated so please sign up about a month before online registration closes next year so we will have have plenty of time to decorate them.
Our Special Flake awards went to Matt Doyle and Gonzalo Espinosa.
Matt Doyle was named the King of the Festival of Flakes and he won the SnoFatShu solo.
For the IditaFAT results can be found here:
For the SnoFatShu results can be found here:
Thank you to Andy Kane (Feather in Flight Productions) and Brad Smith for taking some amazing photos.
Winona Forest Recreation Association (WFRA) receives no subsidy from the state of New York for its work grooming and maintaining the recreational trails used by fat bikers, runners, skiers, snowshoers, mushers and other quiet sports enthusiasts.
If you have not already, please consider joining the Winona Forest Recreation Association and identify yourself on the membership as a fat bike rider as our funding is generated largely by memberships. To become a member please visit us at:
Thank you everyone and we will see you next year!!
Tom (aka Stickboy)
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Used Car King
Stickboy Coffee
Tryon Bike
Roth Racing
Fast Eddies Cycles
Feather in Flight Productions
Munk Pack
Cerow Agency
Kingdom Trails
Munk Pack
45 North
Dumonde Tech
Back Bottle
Old Man Mountain Rack
Fleet Feet
JA Mechanical
Dr. Burke
45 North
Back Bottle
Old Man Mountain Rack
Fleet Feet
JA Mechanical
Dr. Burke
Schmit Trucking
Organic Protein
Oveja Negra
Chamois Butt’r
DNA Cycling
Brad Smith Photographs
Oveja Negra
Wolf Tooth