Shop Small
Now more than ever we need to support small businesses across this country and that's why Stickboy Coffee is proud to be partnering with American Express again this year to encourage people to Shop Small (#ShopSmall) on Small Business Saturday November 28, 2020.
As we are aware, this global pandemic that has led to small businesses closing which has led to jobs and homes being lost. The challenges small businesses face are real. Now more than any other time in recent history, America’s destiny is not of our own choosing. We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our way of life. We did not expect nor did we invite a confrontation with evil.
This is why I am asking everyone who can to please buy from a small business on Saturday November 28, 2020 so we can help keep the doors open for small business owners across this country. Please give these small business owners a chance to win your love because at the heart of every small business is a person with goal and a dream. On Small Business Saturday, please give a small business owner a better chance of realizing their dream.
It is also my hope that you will be shopping with Stickboy Coffee this Small Business Saturday. We are very grateful and thankful for all of our customers.
Please be a hero on Saturday November 28, 2020 and shop small business!
Tom Hall the Stickboy behind Stickboy Coffee