It has been INSANE the last few months at Stickboy Coffee. With the website traffic hitting an all-time high, pretty much everyone around here has been bending over backwards to make sure we are not slipping up on anything, and everything is running smoothly.
I have been getting up at 2:30 am so I can start roasting by 3 am to make sure everyone gets their order this Christmas season. To give you an idea of how insane it’s been at Stickboy Coffee, I have been working 16-18 hour days since October while working 7 days a week. I don’t even know what an 8 hour day feels like anymore.
What does this all mean? It means that the revolution has started for freshly roasted coffee and I can proudly say that Stickboy Coffee is leading the way. Even though we have been super busy the past few months, we wouldn’t have it any other way and I’m super excited about what the future holds for Stickboy Coffee! I can’t thank the people that have been a part of this journey enough.
It’s 5:49am now and I’m drinking the Cabana Blend and even though I would love to keep writing, I have to get going. Thank you to all of our customers that are telling their family, friends and co-workers about Stickboy Coffee. Thank you to all of our customers for your support throughout the year. I raise my mug to all of you!!